Self Care
The Core
The Person
The Plan
The Practice
The Definition of a Woman: Who am I
The Resilience of a Woman: The Bounce Back
The Purpose of a Woman: Goal Casting #WORK
Self Care for Pastors (The pulpit, the person, the people)
Pressing for Purpose: This sermon/ workshop explores purpose and hearing God’s individual call.
Pressing After the Pain:. This sermon /workshop is ideal for Women’s Day, Bible Study
Pressing for Peace: Self-care in the age of the Independent Woman (workshop)
Pressing for a village: The gift of walking alongside other women (sisterhood/village) (Workshop)
Keep walking sis: Sermon is great for Women’s Day, Women’s Prayer Breakfast, Sorority Event
Pressing for the whole Mama ( Workshop on healing while being a single mother)
The Gospel According to the Jars (John 2:1 11) Bible study Sunday service